Kwang-Yeon LEE (

Patent and Trademark Attorney (1995)
Co-Founding Partner of the firm from 2001
Practice Areas
- patent specification and claim drafting,
- prosecution in the KIPO;
- overseas filing and prosecution;
- litigation (opposition, validity and patent infringement) matters,
Consumer electronics technologies, industrial and consumer products, semiconductor & LCD device and process, physical/chemical metallurgy, electronic material processing, secondary battery technologies, thin film technologies, surface modification, optoelectronics related patent and utility model matters, and trademark and design matters.
- Yonsei University (B.E. in Metallurgical Engineering) (1994)
- International Intellectual Property Training Institute (1996)
Professional Associations
- Korean Patent Attorneys’ Association (KPAA)’s member from 1997
2016 – 2018: Director/Finance of KPAA
2018 – 2020: Vice President/Finance of KPAA
Sun-Joon KIM (

Patent and Trademark Attorney (1999)
Co-Founding Partner of the firm from 2002
Practice Areas
- patent specification and claim drafting
- prosecution in the KIPO
- overseas filing and prosecution
- litigation (opposition, validity and patent infringement) matters
Home-network technology, e-business technology, electronic circuit and controller, mobile communication terminal related technology, telecommunication network, image signal processing and design of analog, semiconductor, and electronic packaging and interconnection related patent matters.
- Yonsei University (B.E. in Electronic Engineering) (1999)
- International Intellectual Property Training Institute (2000)
- Korea National Open University (LL. B.) (2003)
Professional Associations
- Korean Patent Attorneys’ Association (KPAA)’s member from 2001
Juhee KIM (

Patent and Trademark Attorney (2005)
2005 – 2014: Associate of the firm
2015 – Present: Partner of the firm
Practice Areas
- patent specification and claim drafting,
- prosecution in the KIPO
- overseas filing and prosecution
- litigation (opposition, validity and patent infringement) matters
Mechanical & aerospace fields, home-appliance technologies, industrial and consumer products, secondary battery and fuel cell technologies, LCD and LED related patent matters.
- Seoul National University (B.E. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering) (2006)
- International Intellectual Property Training Institute (2006)
Professional Associations
- Korean Patent Attorneys’ Association (KPAA)’s member from 2007